Private Lessons

Why private lessons are better?

  • Personal growth: When you work with a teacher on your own, you’ll experience a lot more personal growth than you would from group lessons. In private lessons, you can set your own goals and then work specifically toward those goals.
  • Individual attention: This is probably the main reason why people choose private lessons over group lessons. While you can get some individual attention at a group lesson, you’ll get the teacher’s full attention for the entire time during a private lesson. Every student learns a little differently. At a group lesson, it’s impossible to cater to the needs of every student in the group. With private lessons, you don’t have that issue.
  • Develop technique: During the early stages of learning a class, it’s key to develop the right technique. If you start bad habits early on, it becomes more and more difficult to correct them. If you’re taking group lessons, it’s easier to slide by while using those bad habits. But with a private lesson, your teacher can catch them right away and get you back on track.
  • Work at your own pace: In a group lesson, you have to follow through the predetermined lesson plans. If you don’t get something right away and need more time, you’ll either slow down the rest of the class or have them leave you behind. On the other hand, if you progress more quickly than the rest of the class, you have to wait for them to catch up. Either way, you can’t move at your own pace in a group lesson. With private lessons, you can move through the lessons as quickly or as slowly as you’d like. If you need to miss a lesson for whatever reason, it’s no biggie when you’re taking private lessons, too.

If these things sound appealing, then enrolling in private lessons may be your best choice.


Master's Degree in Phisical Education and Sports